Lee Adjustable Charge Bar Alternative

I’ve written about the issues with the Lee Adjustable Charge bar (ACB) that I had and the solution to this problem. In my case, I only found out that it didn’t work for me AFTER buying it. However, if you are still looking for an adjustable power thrower for your Lee autodisk powder measure, I came across this clever solution (cf. rugerforum):


I have not tried it, but it seems a valid option. I’m just wondering if you don’t get into trouble with inconsistency with respect to powder getting stuck on-top of the screw (and falling of one time and not the other) and the cavity below the screw.


Lee Disk Volume – Weight Cross Reference

I’ve found these tables cross-referencing lee autodisk volumes with powder weight (in grain) on the internet somewhere. I’ve found these to be pretty correct. BUT use this data as starting reference only, always verify the actual load dropped (there might be errors in the table, there is variation of humidity changing weight/volume, maybe a powder composition changed, etc).

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Fixing the Lee Adjustable Charge Bar for small loads

With a progressive press or turret press, one has to rely on mechanical powder dropping droppers to reload efficiently. I have the Lee Classic Turret with the Lee Pro Autodisk, and I’m very happy with it. With ball powders the Autodisk system works perfectly, it throws consistent loads reliably. However there is one problem: the fixed loads you are limited too.

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